- Accounting For Schools
- ActiveVision
- Alsco Uniform & Fresh and Clean
- Alta Safety Limited
- ASB Bank
- Assa Abloy
- Berry Street Education Model
- Carus
- CrestClean
- Cyclone Computers
- Dance Curriculum
- Dulux
- EATucation
- Edge
- Edsby
- Education Services Limited
- EduMarking
- Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga
- Footsteps Dance Company
- Fujifilm Business Innovation
- Furnware
- Gallagher Insurance
- Google for Education
- Growing Up in New Zealand
- Hail
- Hero
- InterLEAD Consultants Limited
- Kelly Club and Kelly Sports
- Kindo
- Learning Architects
- Learning MATTERS
- Learning Network NZ
- Libelle Group
- Linewize
- Māori Achievement Collaborative
- MBP (NZ) Ltd
- Network for Learning
- Netsafe
- New Zealand Principals' Federation
- NZ Mats
- NZ Uniforms
- OfficeMax
- Open Polytech
- OuterSpace Landscapes
- Park Supplies & Playgrounds Ltd
- pcMedia Limited
- PhotoLife
- Playco Playgrounds
- Playground Creations
- Playscape
- Programmed Property Services
- Quizizz
- Resene
- ScholasticNZ
- SchoolED
- SchoolDocs
- Shade Systems
- sKids
- Smart Kids
- SmartGrass
- StepsWeb
- Switch4Schools
- Taima Korero - Time 2 Talk
- Te Rito Maioha - Primary Teacher Education
- Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education
- Teamturf
- Tertiary Education Commission
- The Skool Loop App
- TigerTurf
- Toddle
- Topcoat Specialist Coatings Ltd
- VisTab